
Mobile Marketing Education’s Next Step: Know the Terms, the Numbers, and the Strategy

Todd Grennan By Todd Grennan Jan 17, 2017

A decade after the introduction of the first iPhone, it’s clear that mobile has conquered the world. The majority of the world’s population regularly uses smartphones and tablets as part of their day to day life, and the number of mobile users worldwide is expected to rise dramatically in the coming years. And as mobile has grown, it’s also increasingly becoming the central way that people engage with brands.

That’s a major opportunity for brands with a thoughtful mobile marketing strategy. But what about the companies that aren’t quite there yet?

To help brands better understand today’s mobile-first marketing landscape and take essential steps to see stronger results from their engagement efforts, Appboy has launched three new mobile marketing education offerings designed to provide in-depth insights into modern marketing and actionable steps for marketers across the globe and in all manner of verticals:

Whether your brand is just starting to think through its marketing strategy on mobile, or is looking to optimize its current customer lifecycle campaigns, these tools will provide valuable guidance on what’s possible and how to achieve it.

Master the building blocks of mobile marketing with Lingo

It’s normal for a new field to develop its own unique vocabulary to help people better describe emerging issues and opportunities—and that’s certainly true of mobile marketing!

But while marketers who have come of age as mobile was evolving are probably well-versed in all the arcane terminology used in mobile marketing, there are also a lot of marketers who are coming to mobile from email and other traditional marketing spaces who may be less familiar with plenty of essential mobile marketing terms, complicating the process of putting together and maintaining a winning strategy. After all, it’s hard to optimize your brand’s approach to customer permissions, for instance, if you’re not entirely sure what customer permissions are.

Appboy Lingo

An entry from the Lingo glossary

Lingo is designed to fill that gap. This glossary covers the most important mobile marketing terms and phrases, giving marketers insight into the meaning of each term, why it’s important to know, how to use it correctly, and whether it’s likely to confuse their coworkers. Lingo will also lead them to related articles, guides, and other content that can deepen their understanding and support their mobile marketing efforts going forward.

Build a top-flight mobile marketing strategy step by step with Appboy’s Mobile Marketing 101 Course

For marketers who feel up to speed on the basic elements of mobile marketing, the next step is finding ways to put that knowledge to work in smart, actionable ways. Appboy’s Mobile Marketing 101 Course is built to make it simple and easy to put together a thoughtful, sustainable mobile marketing strategy that supports higher ROI and strong customer/brand relationships.

Appboy Course

Appboy’s free four-week mobile marketing course

The four-week course—which includes eight lessons, six worksheets, and a variety of actionable guidance—walks marketers through the process of creating and optimizing their mobile marketing strategy step by step. The course covers:

  • How to use essential customer data to better understand your audience
  • How to identify and set mobile marketing goals that meet your brand’s needs
  • How to effectively segment your audience and map those segments to each user’s lifecycle stage
  • How to use each of the four major mobile marketing channels (push notifications, in-app messages, email, and News Feed Cards) to create an effective multichannel messaging strategy
  • How to identify the essential types of messaging campaign for your business and how to ensure that the campaigns you send resonate with recipients
  • How to use A/B and multivariate testing to improve the effectiveness of your customer outreach
  • How to drive stronger growth for you brand using today’s mobile marketing tools and tactics
  • How to master the RFP process through smart vetting of mobile marketing platform vendors

By the end of the course, marketers will have learned how to ensure that their mobile marketing strategy both deepens customer engagement with their brand and supports their overall marketing goals over the long haul.

Understand and optimize your current mobile marketing results with Appboy’s Digits Mobile Marketing Benchmarks Tool

The need for marketing education doesn’t end when a brand puts together a mobile marketing strategy—after all, long-term success in today’s mobile-first world means iterating regularly to optimize your marketing approach and build strong relationships with your customers.

Appboy Digits Mobile Metrics

Appboy’s Digits Mobile Marketing Benchmarks Tool

Building on the insights contained in Appboy’s Digits Mobile Marketing Benchmarks Report, the new web-based Digits Tool makes it possible for marketers to easily compare the results of their mobile marketing efforts with benchmarks for their industry and relevant mobile operating system. The tool, which includes metrics for push notification opt-in and open rates, average monthly app sessions, and day-by-day retention rate, also provides marketers with targeted guidance on how to optimize their current efforts to see stronger long-term results.

Final thoughts

Once you feel on top of today’s mobile marketing terminology, have a handle on how to put together a top-flight mobile marketing strategy, and have started optimizing for your marketing results in relationship to relevant industry benchmarks, it might seem like there’s nothing more to learn.

Not so! Sustainable mobile marketing success is built on continuous work and insight. To make sure you’re aware of new trends, tactics, and tools in the mobile marketing space, consider subscribing to our Relate Weekly email newsletter. We’ll keep you up to speed.

Todd Grennan

Todd Grennan

Todd Grennan is a New York-based writer and editor. When he's not writing about mobile marketing, customer retention and emerging technologies for Braze, you can find him trying to read his way through every Wikipedia article related to World War II.

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